Getting Started

Before we can get started there are a few conditions required by each potential client. These areas tend to make or break the project, so they are pivotal to our success.

Are you ready?


Goals & Objectives

Definite goals and objectives are key to the success of every project.
If you don’t have them or are not willing to work with us to define them then we cannot get started.



With your goals defined, you will need an audience.

Building your audience online is an important aspect of generating new customers.

If you don’t have an audience, we can help you build one through blogging, interviews, education, etc.


Passion & Drive

It takes time and effort to build an audience.

Passion and drive are the key ingredients that sustain the time and effort applied.

When roadblocks occur, these ingredients will become pivotal in meeting our goals.
Even Keyl Web Design List
Even Keyl Web Design Budget
Even Keyl Web Design Time



Every area of a business must have a budget, and that includes a new or redesigned website.

A website is a major investment in your business that will save you time and money.

How you create your website is one of the most important business decisions you will ever make.



In order for this project to be successful, the client must set aside the requisite time.


Constant distractions and the unavailability of the client will prove detrimental to their investment.

Take a look at our approach

The Way We Work

Certified Digital Business Consultant

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